Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Beginning

A young couple, Christine and Douglas, were married September of 1978. She was stunning, with golden brown hair and brown eyes, her petite figure framed with a beautifully crafted lace dress and veil. He was tall and handsome. His tailored suit freshly pressed, and his wavy brown hair combed perfectly. It was a breathtaking day, the sky was blue and multicolored leaves were falling from the trees. The future of this couple was uncertain but their love was strong.

A few years into their marriage they welcomed a beautiful baby boy in November of 1982. His name became Andrew, he had piercing blue eyes surrounded by long eyelashes. He was their bundle of joy but she still longed for another. The couple were excited when they learned they were expecting again in the fall of 1984. In mid-February of 1985 joy became worry when some complications arose. The baby had to come out very early, in fact, the due date was not until May. Their scared faces indicated that they were not sure the child was going to survive.

According to his mother he was born to large snowflakes fluttering down from the sky. It was in the early morning of February 15th. He weighed two pounds and ten ounces, and had to be placed in an incubator. He was so small that he extended from his father's wrist to his fingers. Christine wanted to call the baby Michael, however Douglas did not care for the name. Her sister Mary, who worked at the hospital where he was born, suggested Dane. They both decided that name fit him well. Although his mother adoringly called him her little "squeaker," since he could not yet cry.

Shortly after the birth Douglas' mother Margaret, who lived in Minnesota wanted to see Dane. She was suffering from lung cancer, and was a gentle but strong-willed woman, who was determined to see the baby. Margaret laid in the back seat of her husband's car until they arrived. Upon reaching their destination she had the privilege of giving Dane a middle name. She named him after his Swedish ancestry, Erik. Dane Erik made it through the first few months and was sent home to be with his family. Fortunately one life was saved through the miracle of science, and sadly another great life was extinguished. Margaret passed away shortly after in 1985.

About six months following his birth the family received devastating news. Dane was diagnosed with left ventricular valve disorder, a defect in which there is an extra valve, where too much blood pumps into his heart. He had to receive surgery because without help it would be fatal. The scared parents brought Dane to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. This disorder was so rare that a retired doctor had been the only one who performed the surgery. He came out of retirement in consideration of such a case. Christine and Douglas were sick with worry. As Christine explains it today, she did the only thing she could, which was continuously pray that Dane would live. She begged God to spare the life of her child. She prayed that she would devote her life to Him if Dane survived. As they were handing him off to the doctors she felt at ease, only because she felt Jesus' hands under hers. A few hours later Dane's surgery was a success! Thanks to the talented doctor, the prayers from his mother and family. He lived through the surgery but his parents still had reason to be concerned about his health. However so many obstacles were overcome. His life had just begun...


  1. That's a MUCH more introduction to existence than I had! Thank God we live in a time where miracles like this can happen.
